How to Change Color or Gobo of a Fixture While a Sequence Button is Running in Disco

How to Change Color or Gobo of a Fixture While a Sequence Button is Running in Disco

Changing fixture attributes while a show is running is sometimes necessary to achieve the look we want on stage, and needs to be done Live. To alter any color, gobo, etc, while a show is running live is a simple process. We will list the steps below.

If the looks or sequence buttons are running, go to the programming screen.

Select the fixture or fixture we need to change.

Next go to the Palette window and either select the color, gobo, fader, and etc... tabs and change the property needed. This will basically change the property of the show running.

Note on Live Show ( advanced USER):

Disco run each sequence button on a separate playback. When altering shows live, remember we will get the best results when switching to the playback that is controlling the fixture or fixtures to be altered.  The playback List shown in Yellow highlight below is used to select the current playback we are on. The playback name listed will be the names of the Sequence buttons playing. Once a button is over ridden, if that playback is stopped the live over ride will release.

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