How to Create a Shutter/Dimmer Chase

How to Create a Shutter/Dimmer Chase

Creating chases can be a tedious task but using the channel FX we can simplify the task. There are two approaches to creating a shutter/dimmer chase. We can just create the chase then save it as a button, and stack it with other movements and looks, or we can create a complete look including the chase.

If we are create a complete look, make sure to apply movement, color, etc first, the FX should be the last thing applied.  Once we have the look we can now apply the chase. Select the fixtures and press the faders tab.

Click on the dimmer channel and this box will appear.

Press the FX button and this dialog will appear.

In the Channel Chase EFX area select the first value using the slider to be 255, and the Value 2 to be 0. This will chase value 1 and value 2 through all the selected fixtures. Press the create chase button and the chase will be created. Remember this will apply the chase to the amount of steps currently running. This can be done on any channel and step offset and fixture offset can be changed here. Once the look is acheived press the save sequence as button and it will be saved to the current page for later recall.

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